Spy X Family Tamagotchi Mmo (2025)

1. Spy x Family Tamagotchi

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  • The Spy x Family Tamagotchi is an licensed Tamagotchi Nano based on the anime and manga series Spy × Family. Spy x Family is a manga and anime series that began in 2019. The series follows a spy under the alias Loid Forger who puts together a pretend family in order to get close to his target who is reclusive and has a son enrolled in a private school. The family includes Yor Briar who is his wife and Anya who is his daughter. However, all three are hiding secrets from each other, with Loid bein

2. Spy x Family - Green Tamagotchi Nano - Magic Madhouse

  • This collaboration has two shell designs. One is spy green with a decorative design of Loid, Yor, and Anya Foger. The other is Anyatchi pink with a design of ...

  • Buy Spy x Family - Green Tamagotchi Nano online at Magic Madhouse! Free UK delivery over £30. We ship Worldwide!

3. 'Spy x Family' Tamagotchi Lets You Raise Anya As Your Own Gremlin

4. 'Spy X Family' Tamagotchi Will Allow You to Raise Your Own Anya

  • 2 jun 2022 · Banda has unveiled the "Spy x Family" themed Tamagotchi series, the new report says. Instead of a virtual dog, a cat, or any little pet, ...

  • Bandai has collaborated with "Spy X Family" to bring an Anya-themed Tamagotchi. Banda has unveiled the "Spy x Family" themed Tamagotchi series, the new report says.

5. Spy Green ver. - Bandai

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  • In this SPYxFAMILY and Tamagotchi collaboration, you can play with and take care of Anya! Depending on how you take care of Anya in her uniform, you may be able to see various outfit styles and facial expressions. You can feed Anya stew and her favorite food, peanuts! There are three mini games you can play with her including dodgeball, and a word matching game. You can see scenes from the series and see other characters appear! If Anya is not well taken care of, she will sulk and run away. This collaboration has two shell designs. One is spy green with a decorative design of Loid, Yor, and Anya Foger. The other is Anyatchi pink with a design of Anya’s hair accessory. Batteries (LR44x2) included. For Ages 8+.

6. Spy x Family Tamagotchi/Character list

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  • in: Character lists

7. Take care of Anya through this Spy x Family Tamagotchi which will be ...

  • 3 jun 2022 · It will also be available online. Anya Tamagotchi is priced at 2,530 JPY (around $19.70 or PHP 1,041.24). anya tamagotchi2.png. The Spy x Family ...

  • Being a spy or assassin is a tough work for both Loid and Yor Forger, but add to that of being a parent to Anya, that is on another level of hard work. For fans of Spy x Family, Anya’s cuteness is out of this world and evokes the want of taking care of her. Now made possible, fans can avail...

8. SPY x FAMILY Tamagotchi Spy Green - YattaJapan

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  • Take care of Anya with this new Tamagotchi from the Nano range! The game includes various costumes for Anya, features several scenes from SPY x FAMILY and 3 mini-games!

Spy X Family Tamagotchi Mmo (2025)


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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.