Raya and the Last Dragon/Credits (Version 2) (2025)

Walt Disney Pictures
Beijing Sparkle Roll Media Corporation
Tencent Pictures
Base Media

Walt Disney Animation Studios
Beijing Sparkle Roll Media Corporation
Tencent Pictures
Base Media

Raya and the Last Dragon/Credits (Version 2) (1)

Directed by
Don Hall
Carlos López Estrada
Chris Appelhans

Co-Directed by
Paul Briggs
John Ripa

Produced by
Osnat Shurer, p.g.a.
Peter Del Vecho, p.g.a.
Chris Bremble, p.g.a.
Jackie Chan

Screenplay by
Qui Nguyen
Adele Lim

Story by
Paul Briggs
Don Hall
Adele Lim
Carlos López Estrada
Kiel Murray
Qui Nguyen
John Ripa
Dean Wellins

Original Score by
James Newton Howard

Edited by
Fabienne Rawley, ACE
Michael Andrews, a.c.e.
Shannon Stein

Executive Producers
Jennifer Lee
Jared Bush
Joe Tam
Howard Chen
Ian Sugarman
Min Cai
Sophie Xiao

Ken Tsumura

Estelle Li
Wenxin She

Associate Producers
Nathan Curtis
Jennifer Christine Vera

Production Designers
Arthur Fong
Shelly Wan

Visual Effects Supervisor
Ranjan Kurian Periakottil

Character Designers
Catia Chien
Borja Montoro
Heidi Smith
Wira Winata

Head of Story
Josh Lieberman
Radford Schmidt

Head of Layout
Kyle Jefferson

Head of Character Animation
Olivier Staphylas

Supervising Animators
Riyad C.M.
Sujit Chatterjee
Alexandre Li

Production Managers
Aditya Deosthale
Ella Luxi Wang
Desmond Chan
Tiffany Wu

Digital Effects Supervisor
Milton E. Rodriguez-Rios

Visual Effects Supervisor
Kyle Odermatt

Head of Story
Fawn Veerasunthorn

Production Designers
Paul Felix
Mingjue Helen Chen
Cory Loftis

Art Directors Characters
Shiyoon Kim
Ami Thompson

Production Manager
Albert V. Ramirez

Heads of Animation
Amy Lawson Smeed
Malcon B. Pierce III

Director of Cinematography Layout
Rob Dressel

Director of Cinematography Lighting
Adolph Lusinsky

Technical Supervisor
Kelsey Hurley

Head of Characters and Technical Animation
Carlos Cabral

Head of Environments
Larry Wu

Head of Effects Animation
Michael Kaschalk

Effects Supervisors
Marc Bryant
Dale Mayeda
Christopher Hendryx

Character Modeling Supervisor
Alena Loftis

Character Look Development Supervisor
Nikki Mull

Environment Modeling Supervisor
Eric Provan

Environment Look Development Supervisor
Benjamin Min Huang

Set Extension Supervisor
Adil Mustafabekov

Character Rigging Supervisor
Walter Yoder

Simulation Supervisor
Avneet Kaur

Technical Animation Supervisors
Kate Kirby-O'Connell
Hubert Leo

Animation Supervisors
Andrew Feliciano
Jennifer Hager
Mack Kablan
Brian F. Menz
Justin Sklar
Vitor Vilela

Crowds Supervisor
Alberto Luceño Ros

Stereoscopic Supervisor
Katie A. Fico

Layout Supervisor
Juan E. Hernandez

Layout Finaling Supervisor
Michael Talarico

Layout Lead/Camera Polish
Cory Rocco Florimonte

Lighting Supervisors
Gregory Culp
Ryan DeYoung
Diana Jiang LeVangie
Angela McBride
Jorge Obregon
Amy Pfaffinger
Daniel Rice
Jennifer Yu Farr

Associate Technical Supervisors
Gabriela Hernandez
Shweta Viswanathan

Tactics Supervisor
Abraham Franklin Tseng

Senior Production Supervisors
Kristin Leigh Yadamec
Ruth Strother

Screening Senior Production Supervisor
Leah Latham

Production Finance Manager
Laurie Au

Sound Designer & Supervising Sound Editor
Shannon Mills

Head of Post Production
Bérénice Robinson

Executive Music Producer
Tom MacDougall

Director, Pre-ProductionDean Wellins
Casting byJamie Sparer Roberts, C.S.A.


RayaKelly Marie Tran
BounIzaac Wang
NamaariGemma Chan
BenjaDaniel Dae Kim
TongBenedict Wong
Young NamaariJona Xiao
ViranaSandra Oh
Little NoiThalia Tran
Dang HuLucille Soong
Tuk TukAlan Tudyk
Merchant #2Gordon Ip
General Atitāya, Spine WarriorDichen Lachman
Tail ChiefPatti Harrison
ChaiJon “Dumbfoundead” Park
Dang HaiSung Kang
Merchant, Fang OfficerSierra Katow
Spine ChiefRoss Butler
WahnFrançois Chau
Merchant #1Paul Yen

Additional Voices

Isabella Abiera
Deuce Basco
G.K. Bowes
Reggie De Leon
Liza Del Mundo
Terri Douglas
Tania Gunadi
Ren Hanami
Ben Hisoler
Jennie Kwan
Aleks Le
Kayla Rose Melikian
Yabo Obien
Lucian Perez
Vyvan Pham
Griffin Puatu
Vincent Rodriguez III
Abraham Sigler
JB Tadena
Lily Villegas
Jenn Wong
Sanyee Yuan

Casting AssociateGrace C. Kim
Production Officer ManagerElise Aliberti


Production SupervisorScott Tadashi Sakamoto

Story Artists

Clio Chiang
David G. Derrick Jr.
McKenna Harris
Kendelle Hoyer
Teny Aida Issakhanian
Javier Ledesma Barbolla
Donna H. Lee
Sylvia Hyo-ji Lee
Normand Lemay
Carrie Liao
Luis Logam
Joseph Mateo
Nicole Mitchell
Ken Morrissey
Allen Ostergar IV
Tom Owens
Jeff Snow
Stephanie Ma Stine
Lissa Treiman
Chris Ure
David VanTuyle

Story Apprentices

Morin Halperin
Lior Lev
Simon Thelning
Jenessa Warren

Additional Story

Dan Abraham
Tom Ellery
Ryan Green
Byron Howard
Mark Kennedy
Natalie Nourigat
Marc E. Smith
Josie Trinidad
Chris Williams

Based on Story Ideas by
Bradley Raymond
Additional Story Contributions by
Helen Kalafatic

Story Script CoordinatorsEllen Willis • James Romo
Production AssistantsVanita Borwankar • Shannon Henley • Julio Palacol


Production SupervisorsJames Romo • David A. Thibodeau
First Assistant EditorsTodd Fulkerson • Rick Hammel • Brian Millman
Second Assistant EditorCaroline Miller
Additional Editorial SupportTim Mertens
Script CoordinatorsEllis Trespalacios • Bryan O'Connell
Shot CoordinatorsSasha Dmitrieva • Jennifer Gandrup
Alexandra Rosenberg • Ellen Willis

Base Animation[]

Visual Department[]

Production SupervisorsBlair Bradley-Coughlin • Kristin Leigh Yadamec
Visual Development Artists

Camille André
Manu Arenas
Neysa Bové
James Aaron Finch
Jim Finn
Mehrdad Isvandi
Jin Kim
Ryan Lang
Brittney Lee
April Liu
Jim Martin
Kevin Nelson
Nicholas Orsi
Meg Park
Griselda Sastrawinata-Lemay
Scott Watanabe
David Womersley
James Woods

Additional Visual DevelopmentLorelay Bove • Minkyu Lee
Zac Retz • Armand Serrano
Production CoordinatorJames Romo
Production AssistantsThai Bettistea • Aisha Rupasingha

Asset Production[]

Production Supervisors, CharactersDerek Manzella • Julie Baner
Production Supervisor, EnvironmentsJessica Grant


Modeling Environment LeadVirgilio John Aquino

Sean Absher
Sergi Caballer
Juan Pablo Chen
Minh Oona Duong
Dylan Ekren
Ki Jong Hong
Suzan Kim
Jon Kim Krummel II
Brandon Lawless
Zachary Angela Petroc
Liza Rhea
James Schauf
Charles Cunningham-Scott
Samy Segura
Chad Stubblefield
Vidya Vinnakota
Punn Wiantrakoon

Character Rigging[]

Character TD LeadIker J. de los Mozos

Rigging Artists

Michael A. Altman
Garrett Eves
Erik Hansen
Michael Anthony Navarro
Christoffer Pedersen
Nicklas Puetz
Jason Robinson
Matthew Schiller
Jonathan Soto
Michael W. Stieber
David J. Suroviec
Kelley Williams

Character Simulation[]

Character TD LeadJohann Francois Coetzee

Simulation Artists

Cameron Black
Jesus Canal
Erik Eulen
Christopher Evart
Si-Hyung Kim
Brian Missey
Marc Thyng
Timmy Tompkins
Richard M. Van Cleave Jr.
Xinmin Zhao

Look Development[]

Look LeadsRich Fallat • Joshua Fry • Dylan VanWormer

Look Development Artists

Nicole Ales
Ian Butterfield
Andrew Finley
Chaiwon Kim
Konrad Lightner
Vicky Yutzu Lin
Eric S. McLean
Ryan C. Smith
Mitchell Allen Snary
Pamela Spertus
Jennifer Stratton
Lance Summers
Suan Tan
Chuck Tappan

Set Extension Artists

Eric Bouffard
Michael Cheng
Alex Garcia
Travis Mangaoang
Michael Morris

Production Coordinators, CharactersDemi Chen • Sean Creveling
Stephanie Lopez Hegele • Ellis Trespalacios
Production Coordinators, EnvironmentsEryn Eubanks • Brittany Kikuchi
Ashley Lam • Bryan O'Connell
Production Assistant, AssetsJulio Palacol

Technical Directors[]

Technical Directors

Brett Achorn
Antonella Albuja
Meera Benson
Stella Cheng
Allen Corcorran
Annamarie Fuchs
Andrew P. Gartner
Christine Gerardi
Ray Haleblian
Mark Hammel
Jerry Huynh
William Huynh
Jessica R. Jamieson
Brandon Lee Jarratt
Norman Moses Joseph
Neelima Karanam
Kimberly W. Keech
Logan Kelly
Justin Kern
Sam Klock
Chris Kolodin
Kaileen Kraemer
Shannon Kraemer
Laura Kwan
Wayne Chun-Wei Lai
Gabriel Chee-Yan Leung
Kendall Litaker
Gabriella Marinescu
Thaddeus P. Miller
Megan E. Moore
Osiris I. Pérez Ojeda
Teal Owyang
Heather Pritchett
Jared Reisweber
Nellie Robinson
Krista Rogers
Jeff Sadler
Steven L. Seed
Archana Senthilkumar
Nadim Sinno
Serge Sretschinsky
Justin Tennant
Sarah Tortorici
Uyen Uong
Rebecca Vallera-Thompson
Jared Wright
Charlotte Zhu

Assistant Technical Directors

Scott Aufderheide
Katherine Boyd
Jorge De Gouveia
Shona Gillard
Laura Grondahl
Jenny Horn
Sebastien Siclait
Jes Stec
Irene Weng
Michelle Wu

Additional Technical Direction

Bret B. Bays
Cameron Black
Nicholas Burkard
Moe El-Ali
Frank Hanner
David J. Suroviec
Keith Wilson


Josh Richards
Chris Carignan
Ryan Rogers
Joanna Zeta


Production SupervisorDanielle Catherine Beverson
Layout LeadTyler Kupferer

Layout Artists

Joaquin Baldwin
Tracy Scott Beattie
Allen Blaisdell
Dorian Bustamante
Ingo Gudmundsson
Daniel Hu
Kevin Lee
Matt Lee
Chris McKane
Terry W. Moews
Rick Moore
Andi Isao Nakasone
Jean-Christophe Poulain
Merrick R. Rustia
Lindsey St. Pierre
Kendra Vander Vliet
David Wainstain
Steven F. Yamamoto

Layout Finaling Artists

Lorenzo Russell Bambino
Tamara Alejandra Faralla Kersavage
Todd LaPlante
Nicholas Manfredi
John Murrah

Additional Layout Finaling

Allen Blaisdell
Kevin Lee
Andi Isao Nakasone
Merrick R. Rustia

Layout ApprenticesMcKinsey Seungwon Ahn
Liukaidi Peng • Eudora Shum
Production Coordinator, Layout FinalingSean Creveling
Production AssistantsCatherine Fearon • Gus Gotschall


Production SupervisorsBrandon Holmes • Charlyn Go


Theresa Adolph
Abraham Aguilar
Doug Bennett
Tony Bonilla
Rebecca Wilson Bresee
Darrin Butters
Tony Chau
Youngjae Choi
Shawn Clark
Christopher Cordingley
Trent Correy
Michael DeBrosse
Riannon Delanoy
Anthony DeRosa
Nathan Dillow
Nathan Engelhardt
Isaak Fernández Rodríguez
Jason Figliozzi
Andrew Ford
Michael Franceschi
Jacob Frey
Mariusz Furmanczyk
Pedro Daniel Garcia Perez
Ben Girmann
Brendan Gottlieb
Adam Green
Laura H. Han
Dave Hardin
Kim Hazel
Madison Healy
Jason Herschaft
Ryan Hobbiebrunken
Joseph Holmark
Brent Homman
Robert Huth
Leif Jeffers
Louis Jones
Steven R.V. Johnson
Bert Klein
Daniel James Klug
Jacqueline Koehler
Megan Kreiner
Andrew Lawson
Hyun Min Lee
Shawn Sanghyun Lee
Garrett Lewis
Katie Low
Kevin MacLean
Boris Maras
Mark Mitchell
Jess Morris
Louaye Moulayess
Hyrum Virl Osmond
Allen Ostergar IV
Ivan Oviedo
Zach A. Parrish
Olga Parshina
Daniel Martín Peixe
Rebecca Perez Stodolny
Reece Porter
Nicolas Prothais
Patrik Puhala
Mitja Rabar
Svetla Radivoeva
Joel Reid
Jorge E. Ruiz Cano
Henry G. Sanchez
Brian Scott
Christopher Semenoff
Mikee Sevilla
Benson Shum
Joshua Slice
Tony Smeed
Alexander Snow
Angelo Sta Catalina
Rastko Stefanovic
David Stodolny
Adam Strick
Philip To
Wayne Unten
Richard Van As
Malerie Walters
Justin Weber
Jeff Williams
Nara Youn
Amanda Zima

Additional AnimationKira Lehtomaki • Chad Sellers
Production Coordinators, AnimationGus Gotschall • Jonny Hylton
Michele Jastremski-Szarek • Courtney Madincea
Production Coordinator, Animation/CrowdsNora Rogers
Production AssistantsBrian Gaugler • Ashley Lam
Edwin Soto • Ellen Willis

Crowds Animation[]

Crowds Artists

Jack Geckler
Yasser Hamed
Tuan Nguyen
Jeff Sullivan
D'Lun Wong

Crowds ApprenticesKristin Chow • Nicolas Nghiem

Technical Animation[]

Production SupervisorDebbie Yu
Tech Anim 2D LeadAlex Kupershmidt
Simulation Performance LeadNatnicha Foam Laohachaiaroon

Technical Animation Artists

Michael A. Altman
Kori Amacker
Kathleen M. Bailey
Ksenia Bezrukov
Cameron Black
Aaron Campbell
Glen Claybrook
Brian Crawford
Mark Empey
Reginald Amukoshi Emvula
Christopher Evart
Garrett Eves
Jay Gambell
Brian Green
Kelsey Grier
Nathan Hughes Hillier
Daniel Jardin
Andrew Taylor Jennings
Si-Hyung Kim
Daniel Kole
Dave K. Komorowski
Adam Reed Levy
Cathrina McDonnell
Brian Missey
Andrea Paolino
Garrett Raine
Jason Robinson
Ryan Rogers
Jonathan Soto
Jason Stellwag
Andre W. Stuppert
Brett Taggart
H. Dante Tantoco
Panat Thamrongsombutsakul
Kelley Williams
Nate Yellig

Technical Animation ApprenticesJared Lascurain • Solhee Ryu
Production CoordinatorRussell James Pikus
Production AssistantShannon Henley


Production SupervisorSteph Gortz
Effects LeadsJesse Erickson • Henrik Fält • Benjamin Fiske
Jacob Rice • Rattanin Sirinaruemarn • Le Joyce Tong
Thom Wickes
Effects DesignerPeter De Mund

Effects Animators

Robert Bennett
Dimitre Berberov
Alireza Bidar
Brett Boggs
Parisa Bonakdar
Paul Carman
Daniel Clark
Deborah Carlson
Ian J. Coony
Joël David Einhorn
Ben Frost
Stuart Griese
Christian A. Hatfield
Chantal LeBlanc
James DeV. Mansfield
Alex Moaveni
Tim Molinder
Mike Navarro
Francisco Rodriguez
Kee Name Suong
Marie Tollec
Scott Townsend
Brian Jason Tran
Cesar Velazquez
Cong Wang
Bruce Wright
Xiao Zhang

Production CoordinatorRyn Soorholtz
Production AssistantKristen Caron


Production SupervisorJulie Baner
Environment Lighting LeadLogan Gloor

Lighting Artists

Brian Adams
Ayman Akoshali
Joan Kim Anastas
Sung Joon Bae
Allan Bernardo
Rus Brutsche
Corey Butler
Alex Cazals
Jeff Chung
Justine Codron Moulayess
Cheryl Davis
Jonathan Davis
Kaori Doi
Dale Drummond
Jeff Gipson
Paula Goldstein
John Helton
Kevin Hudson
Iva Itchevska-Brain
Walker Kennedy
Mason Khoo
Holly Kim-Angel
Gina Warr Lawes
Brian Leach
Roger Lee
Brandon May
Robert L. Miles
Chris Nabholz
Derek Nelson
James Newland
Steve Null
Ash Ogasawara
Ellen Poon
Winston Quitasol
Olun Riley
Roman Robbins
Alison Roberts
Ian Ruhfass
Afonso Salcedo
Lewis N. Siegel
Mark Siegel
Demorrius Sims
Sharmishtha Sohoni
Ashley Souza
Sarah Sweeney
Ka Yaw Tan
Don Taylor
Mathew Thomas
Ellen Trinh
Emily Tse
Elizabeth Willy
Masha Zarnitsa
Alina Zepeda

Lighting ApprenticesSarah Chalek • Sarah Dunton • Emma Flores
Elizabeth Hannon • Austin Hirsch
Additional LightingShant Ergenian • Mohit Kallianpur
Amol Sathe
Production CoordinatorsDemi Chen • Kristen Psinakis
Mariel Song • Brandi Stone
Production AssistantsJillian Carney Howell • Amelia Josephine Lewis


Production SupervisorMadison Boehme

Stereo Artists

Thomas "Tomb" Baker
Anita Naufal Edwards
Troy Griffin
Elissa Cordero Hansen
Mark Henley
David Andrew Maldonado
Robert Neuman
Vanessa Salas Castillo
Seye Tesfazgy

Production AssistantNatalia Adame Mendoza


Production Supervisors, SweatboxDave Kohut • Brittany Kikuchi
Production Assistant, SweatboxNatalia Adame Mendoza
Production Supervisors, MarketingBrittany Kikuchi • Leah Latham
Production Coordinator, MarketingThai Bettistea
Art Direction, Character Poses PaintJim Fann
Production SecretaryHannah Bialosky
Additional Casting SupportSarah Raoufpur, C.S.A.
Casting AssistantsMallory Horncastle • James Burnham
Production Tracking SpecialistPaul Fiebiger
Production Finance AnalystCaroline Daly
Additional Production SupportTucker Gilmore

Southeast Asia Story Trust[]

Community Outreach LeadsScott Tadashi Sakamoto
Fawn Veerasunthorn
Story and Cultural ConsultantsDr. S. Steve Abounsack
Emiko Saraswati Susilo
I Dew Puta Beata
Nathakrit Tatan Suntharrerat
Dr. Juliana Wijaya
Dr. Rebecca S. Hall
Dr. Chen Chanratana
Jes Vu
Communications Relations ManagerKalikolehua Hurley
Fight Reference ChoreographerMaggie MacDonald
Additional Fight Reference ChoreographyQui Nguyen
Kumandran Language CreatorDavid J. Peterson

Studio Team[]

ManagementBerand Kroell • Neil Ning Xie
Bingbing Tang • Mary Payne • Shad Davis
ProductionMichelle Jurado Staphylas
Head of DevelopmentNancy Xu
DevelopmentCharles Loi • Mengyang Wang • Joe Fang
Sky Shi • Manchen Li • Yuan Lan
Human ResourcesMaggie Yuanyuan Gao • Adheena George Ranjan
Casey Qian Wang • Susan Xiaohua Lin
Serena Mengshuang Luo • Heidi Lin Yuan
Monica Qing Ma • Amy Quek
Joy Jiayuan Qu • Vincent Wenbin Peng
AdministrationEvans Huihui Shi • Wenyi Xie
Junqing Han • Honglian Feng
Judy Shuting Yu • Peiqing Chen • Jing Lin
Accounting and LegalHua Tian • Ran Ma • Beibei Zhang
Jia Song • Xue Zhao • Pengyue Hu
Zhanli Liu • Xiaoxue Chang • Jane Zhao
Information TechnologyE. Michael Brown • James Xiao
May Fang • Wangquan Lin • Minghai Luo • Rentian Li

Additional Model/Design by Leo Sanchez Studio Inc.

CG Character DesignerLeo Sanchez Barbosa

Character Modelers

Michael Guilleman
Juan Solis
Luiz Gomez-Guzman
David Diez Jimenez
Angela Smaldone

Character TDJoan Martinez
Look DevelopmentJonathan Catalan • Pierre Perifel
Production CoordinatorLoni Albertson

Additional Facial Rigging by Studio Nowake

Character Rigging SupervisorHidetaka Yosumi
Character Rigging LeadMaria Lodeiro Fernandez
Facial RiggersCristian Bofarull • Jonathan Montes

Additional Animation/Character Effects/Lighting by The Monk Studios

VFX Executive ProducerJuck Somsaman
Animation ProducerAnda Janswang
Production ManagerNapassara Chaisukdamrong
Supervising AnimatorNattakit Paidrowan


Chawalit Krewmanee
Thanaphupat Thong-Aram
Karntida Jiraworapat
Jaturob Jetwiriyanon
Parinya Pongsangiam
Rungtiwa Paphoo
Kangsadran Thong-Aram
Jakrapong Chinnawornrungsee
Korachan Kuchakorn
Supakorn Charoenwattanachi
Thongkhoon Phimwan
Chanon Suntiaxvaraporn
Juthamas Tongtre
Danny Menendez
Nantatchaporn Mattaras
Chaiyapat Kiatthaveephong
Phakamas Phasuk
Jiraporn Soonliang
Muhammad Rauf

Character Effects SupervisorChakrit Pogun
Character Effects AnimatorsPornneeka Thamwong • Kerkkiad Sannarong
Komson Seechan
Lighting CG SupervisorKatha Na Badalung


Sitthipong Sitthiaumponpan
Wittaya Wattanapaisit
Titikamon Nanrudon
Chatakarn Kengkoom
MuChuan Hung
Vittawat Kittisupat
Radulf Menon
Thinnakron Deewong

TDs/Pipeline/ITNapaporn Metaaphanon • Thanapat Tummati
Tanawoot Singtongprasert • Natee Koonjaturapat
Production CoordinatorMelanie Thermpangpun

Additional Animation Service by Agora Studios

VFX Executive ProducerDavid Hubert
Supervising AnimatorJacob Gardner


Nelson Brown
Alex Gumble
Andrew Perez
Jeorg Volt
Avner Engel
Kim Leow
Luke Randall
Corey Getsy
Terfle Meillur
Sergey Shutko
Billy Ward

Cycle Animators

Nipun Chordiya
Anshul Khariwal
Michelle From
Samkutty George
Emad Shamdollahi

Administrative ManagerEve Turpin

Visual Effects and Animation by Industrial Light & Magic, A Lucasfilm Ltd. Company

Supervising AnimatorKim Ooi
Lead AnimatorJoe Wong
ILM VFX ProducerDarryl Li


Wong Chin Chiu
Boon-Yik Lim
Sachio Nishiyama
Alex Szeto
Vincent Yu
Edward Zhou

Production and Technical Support

Zhu Duoduo
Savio Fernandes
Chow Yew Kay
Tang Kuan Hui
Zhen Yang Lee
Fifi Maree
Muhammad Faisal Mustapha
Phil Phan
Teo Chay Teng Rebecca
Fariq Said
Huang Shicong
Fabian Teo

Production ExecutiveLuke Hetherington

Additional Matte Paint/Effects/Lighting by CGCG, Inc.

VFX Executive ProducersIvan C
Andy Tsao
Sareana Sun
LightersChung-Kai Hsueh
Sheng-Lang Huang
Yu-Che Chou
Yun-Man Chang
Effects AnimatorJui-Yuan Chang
Matte PaintBernie Huang
Comax chien
Xiu-Hua Chang
Production SupportDiana Chen
Daisy Fang
Tracy Zheng

Additional Animation by Taiko Studios

VFX Executive ProducerShaofu Zhang
Supervising AnimatorErik Lee
AnimatorsYukang Liu • Ziqiao Cao • Qinghui Lyu
Production CoordinatorDanni Cai

Additional Animation by La Tribu Animation

Supervising AnimatorJaime Maestro
AnimatorsChelo Andreu Lerma • David Caballer Baquero
Javier Perez Rodenas • Alex Puig
Production CoordinatorHenar Villalba Jimenez
Production ExecutiveNadia Ruiz

Additional Animation by Original Force

VFX ProducerChris Gu
Animation SupervisorDenis Couchon
Animation Production ManagerMadison Sellers

Production Services Provided by Titmouse, Inc.
Ben Kalina
Chris Prynoski
Jennifer Ray
Shannon Prynoski
Jesse Meoli

Stereoscopic 3D by The White Rabbit

Stereoscopic SupervisorCharles C. Lee
Stereoscopic ProducerWinnie Su

Remote Rendering by Fox RenderFarm

Project ManagerEvan Zhang


Vice President, Music ProductionAndrew Page
Supervising Score Music EditorEarl Ghaffari
Supervising Music EditorJim Weidman
Score Recorded byShawn Murphy
Score Mixed byAlan Meyerson
Original Score ProducedXander Rodzinski
Score Conducted and Orchestrated byPete Anthony
Score Orchestrations byJeff Atmajian • Jon Kull • Philip Klein
Orchestra LeaderBruce Dukov
World WoodwindsPedro Eustache
Vocal SoloistLoire Cotler
Additional VocalsSumuda Jayatilaka • Isobel Anthony
Synth ProgrammingJon Aschaley • Michael Dean Parsons • Tobin Pugash
Music Business AffairsDonna Cole-Brule
Music Production SpecialistLauren Harrold
Music Production AssistantJimmy Tsai
Production Music EditorsKendall Demarest • Tommy Holes
Assistant Music EditorBenjamin Robinson
Music Preparation byJoAnn Kane Music Service
Music LibrarianMark Graham
Score Contracted bySandy De Crescent
Assistant Score ContractorTimothy Loo
Choir Contracted bySusie Gillis for Isobel Griffiths Ltd.
ChoirLondon Voices
ChoirmastersTerry Edwards • Ben Parry
Additional Recording byJonathan Allen
Score Digital RecordistErik Swanson
Auricle Control SystemsChris Cozens
2nd Mix EngineerJohn Traunwieser
Score EditorDavid Channing
Score CoordinatorPamela Sollie
Scoring CrewKeith Ukrisna • Brain Van Leer • Greg Dennen
Ryan Nelson • Daniel Hayden • Christopher Parker
Score Recorded atSony Pictures Scoring Stage
Choir Recorded atAbbey Road Studios, London, UK
Score Mixed atJames Newton Howard Studios, Santa Monica, CA


“Lead the Way”
Written and Performed by Jhené Aiko
Produced by Julian-Quán Viet Lê (Lejkeys)
Recorded and Mixed by Greg Rominiecki
Jhené Aiko appears courtesy of 2Fish/ArtClub/Def Jam

"Do You Remember"
Written by Jared Cotter, Sean Paul Henriques, Kamaljit Jhooti,
Robert Larow, Jeremy Skaller, Jonathan Smith and Frankie Storm
Performed by Jay Sean
Featuring Sean Paul & Lil Jon
Courtesy of Cash Money/Universal Records
Under license from Universal Music Enterprises
Lil Jon appears courtesy of Universal Republic Records
Sean Paul appears courtesy of Atlantic Recording Corp.
By Arrangement with Warner Music Group Film & TV Licensing

Written by Liu Mingyuan
Performed by China Broadcasting Chinese Orchestra
Courtesy of China Music Group

Tricked Pickpocket (From the Motion Picture Bulletproof Monk)
Written and Performed by Eric Serra
Used by Permission of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Music Inc.

"Also Sprach Zarathustra"
Written by Richard Strauss

"Score includes portions of I'm So Sorry"
Performed by Imagine Dragons
Written by Daniel Reynolds, Daniel Sermon,
Benjamin McKee and Daniel Platzman

"Kung Fu Fighting (Celebration Time)"
Written by Carl Douglas
Produced by Al Clay
Performed by Shanghai Roxi Musical Studio Choirs and Metro Voices, London

Lyrics by Vincent Fang and Celeste Syn
Music by Patrick Brasca
Performed by Patrick Brasca featuring Jay Chou
Production supervised by Jay Chou
Produced by Hans Chen and Josh Lo
Co-Produced by Al Clay
Courtesy of JVR Music International Ltd.

"Crazy Train"
Written by John Osborne, Randy Rhoads,
Robert Daisley
Orchestral Arrangement by
Hans Zimmer & Steve Mazzaro

"…Baby One More Time (from Kung Fu Panda 4)"
Written by Max Martin
Performed by Tenacious D
Produced by John Spiker
Orchestral Arrangement by Hans Zimmer,
Steve Mazzaro & Òscar Senén

Written and Performed by John Mayer
Courtesy of Columbia Records
By Arrangement with Sony Music Licensing

"SpongeBob SquarePants Theme"
Written by Derek Drymon, Blaise Smith,
Mark Harrison and Stephen Hillenburg
Performed by Pat Pinney, Devin Johnson,
Sara Paxton and Camryn Walling
Courtesy of Nickelodeon

"The Tribute (DJ Zeph Remix)"
Written by King Britt, Antoine Green and Charles Tate
Performed by Colossus
Featuring Capitol A
Courtesy of Om Records

"Here I Come"
Written by Tarik Collins, Karl Jenkins, Richard Nichols,
Malik Smart and Ahmir Thompson
Performed by The Roots
Featuring Malik B. & Dice Raw
Courtesy of The Island Def Jam Music Group
Under license from Universal Music Enterprises

"Minerva Quartets"
Written by Dick-Jan Zwart
Performed by Camilla Kjøll, Lina Marie Årnes,
Lise Sørensen and Tiril Dørum Bengtsson
Courtesy of Zwart Arbeid

"Baby I'm Back"
Written by Ronald Bryant and Aliaune Thiam
Performed by Baby Bash
Featuring Akon
Courtesy of Universal Records
Under license from Universal Music Enterprises

"Full of Joy"

"Nocturne for Piano No. 20 in C Sharp Minor"
Written by Frédéric Chopin
Arranged by Craig Leon
Performed by Alyssa Park

"Dirty Harry (Schtung Chinese New Year Remix)"
Written by Damon Albarn, Brian Burton,
Jamie Hewlett and Bootie Brown
Performed by Gorillaz
Courtesy of EMI Records Ltd.
Under license from EMI Film & Television Music

"Steppin' Up"
Written by kt wilder

"Bang Bang"
Written by Philip Lawrence, Bruno Mars and Keinan Warsame
Performed by K'Naan
Featuring Adam Levine
Courtesy of A&M/Octone Records
Under license from Universal Music Enterprises

Written by Tramar Dillard, Montay Humphrey,
Faheem Najim, Korey Roberson and Howard Simmons
Performed by Flo Rida
Courtesy of Atlantic Recording Corp.
By Arrangement with Warner Music Group Film & TV Licensing

"Poker Face"
Written by Nadir Khayat and Stefani Germanotta
Performed by Lady Gaga
Courtesy of Interscope Records
Under license from Universal Music Enterprises

"Flight of the Bumblebee"
Written by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov
Arranged by Sergei Rachmaninoff
Performed by Balazs Szokolay
Courtesy of Naxos of America, Inc.

"Xin Ying"
Written by Xuan Qu

"Back in Black"
Written by Brian Johnson, Angus Young and Malcolm Young
Performed by AC/DC
Courtesy of Columbia Records
By Arrangement with Sony Music Licensing

"Higher Ground"
Written by Stevie Wonder
Performed by Red Hot Chili Peppers
Courtesy of Capitol Records
Under license from EMI Film & Television Music

"Never Say Never"
Written by Adam Messinger, Nasri, Justin Bieber,
Thaddis Harrell, Jaden Smith and Omarr Rambert
Produced by The Messengers
Vocals produced by Kuk Harrell
Justin Bieber appears courtesy of RBMG/Island/Def Jam Music Group

Post Production[]

Post Production SupervisorDavid Okey
Post Production CoordinatorOlivia Alva
Original Dialogue MixersGabriel Guy, C.A.S. • Paul McGrath, C.A.S.
Doc Kane, C.A.S.
Re-Recording MixersDavid E. Fluhr, C.A.S. • Gabriel Guy, C.A.S.
Post Production Sound Services bySkywalker Sound
A Lucasfilm Ltd. Company
Marin County, California
Supervising Dialogue Editor/ADR EditorBrad Semenoff
Co-Sound DesignerNia Hansen
Sound Effects EditorsSamson Neslund • David C. Hughes
Foley EditorsChris Frazier • Steve Orlando
Assistant Supervising Sound EditorCameron Barker
Foley ArtistsJohn B. Roesch, MPSE • Shelley Roden, MPSE
Foley MixerScott Curtis
Re-Recording Mix TechniciansJeff King • Derek McGinley
Digital Editorial SupportIvan Piesh
Post Production Sound AccountantCathy Shirk
Client ServicesEva Porter
SchedulingCarrie Perry
Skywalker Sound Executive Staff
General ManagerJosh Lowden
Head of ProductionJon Null
Director of EngineeringSteve Morris
ADR Group Voice CastingTerri Douglas
The Loop Troop
Digital Imaging SpecialistRobert H. Bagley
ColoristEliot Milbourn
End Title DesignMingjue Helen Chen • Rob Dressel • April Liu
Transfer Room/Theater OperationsLutzner Rodriguez • Gabriel Stewart


Engineering Services

Natalie Acosta
Andrew Fisher
James Lavrakas
Douglas E. Lesan
Garret Sakura
Lisa S. Young
Fatima Anes
Shant Raffi Hamayan
Alejandra Ledesma
G. Kevin Morgan
Tamara Valdes

Senior ManagerDarren Robinson
ManagerDayna B. Meltzer

Infrastructure and Support[]

Data Center Engineering

Thomas Greer
Michael A. McClure
Paul Takashi
Danny Jewell
Kimberly M. Rios
Matt Watson


Peter Lee Chun
Michael M. Fukumoto
Galen Muir
Michael J. Dobson
Jessica Mary Kain
David B. Wilson

Media Engineering

Jason L. Bergman
Glenn Dakake
Jason Gotterdeson
Stefan Luka
Jeffrey R. Cornish
Norbert Faerstain
Michael Koetter
James A. Wargowski

Systems Operations

Vincent M. D Amore
Eric N. Garcia
Tina Lee
Joel Dagang
Matthew C. Goodman
Joey Schultz

Director of TechnologyPatrick Danford
ManagerJames Colby Bette

Information Services

Krista Haley
Jennifer Perez
Wendy M. Tam
Far Jangtrakool
John Robert Perry

Senior ManagerNaidu Buyyala

Platform Engineering[]

Core ServicesTom Corrigan
Edward Labao
Navenil Kumar
Chris Steinke
Data ServicesStuart McDougal
Zachary Stokes
Deployment ServicesBenjamin Francois
Daniel Koeller
Lena Ghokasian
Greg Neagle
Network ServicesWalt Alvarado
Adam Spector
Render ServicesKevin C. Constantine
Diana Stone
Graham B. Whitted IV
Director of TechnologyDavid J. Burkhardt
ManagersMeghan Gillet
Matthew Schnittker

Production Technology[]

Character Hair and Cloth

Kadie Jaffe
Andy Milne
Maryann Simmons
Haixiang Liu
Franz Sauer

Environments and EFX

Lawrence Chai
Tabatha Hickman
Ying Liu
Todd Scopio
Yun-Po Paul Fan
Eric Buus Larsen
Mark A. McLaughlin

Character Toolset

Ricky Arietta
Gabrielle Knight
Chung-An Andy Lin
Hannah Swan
Jose Luis Gomez Diaz
Catherine Lam
Dmitriy Pinskiy
Justin Walker

Core Software and Pipeline Infrastructure

Jonathan Adamczewski
Neil P. Barber
William T. Carpenter
Dylan Durst
Michelle Cano Halliwell
Samson Kao
Harmony M. Li
Rajesh Sharma
David A. Aguilar
Janet E. Berlin
Alan Davidson
Josh Filstrup
Toby Melevine Jones
Matthew E. Levine
Joshua M. Miller
Michael Young

Rendering and Visualization

David M. Alder
Matt Jen-Yuan Chiang
Mark Lee
Joseph W. Longson
Daniel Teece
Matthews Williams
Brent Burley
Wei-Feng Wayne Huang
Yining Karl Li
Joe Schutte
Noel Villegas

Studio Tools

Dale Beck
Christopher D. Mihaly
William Wira
Paul Hildebrandt
Roy Turner

Director of TechnologyGolriz Fanai
ManagersLaura Franek • Michael D. Kliewer
Collin Larkins • Bettina Martin
CoordinatorHunter Gibson
ResearchRasmus Tamstorf • Joseph Benzaken

The Staff of Walt Disney Animation Studios[]

Studio and Creative Leadership

Amy Astley
Jared Bush
Gregory Coleman
Don Hall
Jessica Julius
John T. McGuire
Aimee Scribner
Clark Specner
Dean Williams
Paul Briggs
Nick Cannon
Roy Conli
Byron Howard
Jennifer Lee
John Ripa
Osnat Shurer
Natalia Strauch
Michelle Winze
Chris Buck
Charise Castro Smith
Peter Del Vecho
Belinda M. Hsu
Carlos Lopez Estrada
Bernice Robinson
Marc E. Smith
Josie Trinidad
Suzi Yoonessi

Manager, Office of the President and CCOEileen Aguirre
Manager, Creative RelationsHalima Hudson


Kimberly Baughman
Loren Gabriela
Madrid Cisneros
Caron Williams
Elsa Boccuzzi
Nathan Massmann
Janet Wu
Scott Hummel
Juan Pablos Reyes
Jancaster Jones


Ernest J. Petti
Sean D. Jenkins
Mike Huang
Frank Hanner
Marc Thyng
James E. Hasman
Alex Numeh
Sean Z. Palmer
David J. Suroviec
Keith Wilson
Darrin Butts
Gregory Smith
Ricky Rickenberg
Chuck Tappan
Nicholas Burkard

Executive Administrative Support

Babatunde Akinlove
Jennifer Hamilton
Jacqueline Ryczek
Terri Shevy

Artist Management

Lesley Addario Bentivegna
Clinton Fanelli
Heather M. Roberts Russell
Ryan J. Garcia Buenviaje
Kellie Marchbanks Hoover
Amanda Allan Clark
Alexis Jackson

Marketing and Publicity

Melanie Beard
Erin Glover
Kalikolehua Hurley
Dorothy McKim
Danielle Song
David Bess
Kent Gordon
Nicole Kim
Nicole Mynott
Mandesa Tindal
Joe Dunn
Howard Green
Boo Kurtz-Lopez
Michael Simms
Kyle Zaala

Business Affairs and Legal Counsel

Christine M. Neuharth
Shirley Scopelitis
Christine Chrisman
Ruston Harker
Gus Avila
Kathleen M. Mullin


Christina W. Chen
Tiffany Gean
Jamie Krog
Vicky Wertenberger Poiley
Patrick Chen
Emily Hsu
Linda Matsuoka Harmore
Angela Sabetta-Adair
Jessica Jeanette Chiu
Frank William Knittel Jr.

Sola Park

Studio Analytics
Ryan McGee • Joe Rolle • Jocelyn Wang

Environment and Events

Vicki Case
Carlos Tota Arevalo
Eric Dinsmore
Gillian Milne
Gabriel Villasenor
Melissa Cole Fanfassian
Rey Cervantes Jr.
Ken Lewis
Bruce Parker
Kevin Waldvogel-DiMonaco
Benny DeFranco
Collin Mapp
Eduardo Ruiz

Human Resources

Mindy DeVido
Katie McGlynn
Zulema Uriarte-Elizalde
Denise Irwin Stastny
Katherine Quintero
Giner Wei-Hsien
Chen Huang
Lucy Sanosyan

Talent Acquisition and Outreach

Nicole Mendez Dial
Matt Roberts
Erika Molina Becerra
Danelle Day Santos

Communication Branding and Design
Erin Ong Cook • Nicole Vatland

Production Training and Talent Development

Tracy Bovasso Campbell
Nancy Evans
Annie Sevareid
Ross Blocher
Tyler McKim
Chris Chavez-Soria
Stephanie Morse Gortz

Carlos Benavides

Creative Legacy

Roger Gould
Angela Frances D Anna
Kelly Eiset
Darin Hollings
Dave Kohut
Aisling Scarlett McDonough
Mike Gabriel
Liane Abel Dietz
Eric Goldberg
Eric Hutchison
Amelia Josephine Lewis
Mariel Song
Christina Marie
Bonilla Cunanan
Mellissa Genoshe Donnan
Mark Henn
Darrell Johnson
Kendall Litaker

Animation Research Library

Mary Walsh
Fox F. Carney
Doug Engalla
Leon Ingram
Tracy Ann Leach
Bethany McGill
Tom Pniwski
Truong Huyen Vo
Brendan G. Baker
Tori Cranner
Mat Fretschel
Richard N. Kanno
Marisa Leonardi
Sharon Mizota
Jackie Vasquez
Scott Watts
Jill Breznican
Tammy Crosson
Ann W. Hansen
Tamara N. Khalar
Kristen McCormick
Jamie Panette
Elda Tita Venegas
Patrick White

Ink and Paint

Charles R. Landholm
Antonio Pelayo
Jim Lusby
Isaac Pelayo


Michelle P. Howard
Jerry Romero
Carlos Mendez
Darryl Vontoure

In Loving Memory of Tommy Holmes

The making of this movie from over 400 individual homes was
completely unprecedented, and relied entirely on the talent,
ingenuity, and dedication of everyone at Walt Disney
Animation Studios.

The Filmmakers would like to thank

them for their tireless hard work, good humor, and most of all patience...

with our inability to properly use the internet.

(Dude, You're still on mute.)

Additional Thanks[]

Kulap Vilaysack & Los Angeles
Dr. Stephen Acabado
Dr. Miriam Stark
Dewa Ayu Dewi Larassanti
Reaksmey Mea Math & Khmar Arts Academy
Dr. Gavin Douglas
Dr. Anna S. Lau
Dewa Gde Sanjaya
Gold House
A special thank you to Michelle Sugihara, Jess Ju, and

CAPE (Coalition of Asian Pacifics in Entertainment) for
your continued inspiration and support.

Production Babies[]


Soundtrack Available on

Raya and the Last Dragon/Credits (Version 2) (2)

No. 52597

Raya and the Last Dragon/Credits (Version 2) (3)

Raya and the Last Dragon/Credits (Version 2) (4)Raya and the Last Dragon/Credits (Version 2) (5)Raya and the Last Dragon/Credits (Version 2) (6)

© 2021 Disney Enterprises, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

For the purposes of United Kingdom copyright, Disney Enterprises, Inc.
was the owner of copyright in this film immediately after it was made.

Distributed by
Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures

Created and Produced at
Walt Disney Animation Studios
Burbank, CA

Raya and the Last Dragon/Credits (Version 2) (7)

Raya and the Last Dragon/Credits (Version 2) (8)

Raya and the Last Dragon/Credits (Version 2) (9)

Raya and the Last Dragon/Credits (Version 2) (2025)


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Author: Melvina Ondricka

Last Updated:

Views: 5681

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (68 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.